WHAT: Friends of SFACC Rescue Partner Awards
WHEN: March 17, 2018
WHERE: Sports Basement Grotto, 1590 Bryant St., SF

The huskies were by far the rowdiest party goers but the King pigeons and the rat weren’t bothered in the least. On March 17, in the Grotto Community Room of Sports Basement, Friends of SFACC Board Chair Genevieve Herreria and Treasurer Andrea Gremer presented 24 Bay Area animal rescue partners with microgrants for helping SFACC in 2017.
Friends of SFACC gives small grants to the most critical helpers. An important annual program, the invitation-only awards are based on the number of animals pulled from the shelter, the degree of difficulty (whether for medical, behavioral, or other reasons), and the financial need of the organization.
These groups help animals from a variety of circumstances–from hoarding cases (like the 500 mice that were rescued by North Star Rescue) to animals lost during the North Bay fires (Sonoma Reptile Rescue), to injured and orphaned wildlife that SFACC is unable to treat (SFROMP and Wildcare).
The work these folks do is physically and emotionally demanding. Each partner representative spoke briefly about their organization’s work. Al Wolf, executive director of Sonoma Reptile Rescue, shared the heartbreaking account of rescuing animals after the North Bay fires. The organization lost all their records and other equipment in the fire “Our neighbors who have supported us over the years have lost their homes and everything in them. They are tapped out and we face a tough time ahead, so we really appreciate this grant.”
The stories from each group are different but a common thread runs through all of them: dedication to saving animals.

Thank you all for helping SFACC!

BASH (Bay Area Siberian Husky)
Copper’s Dream
German Shepherd Rescue Nor. Cal
Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue
Grateful Dogs Rescue
Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue
Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
Miranda’s Rescue
Nor. Cal. Division of So. Cal Dachshund Relief
Nor. Cal Bulldog Rescue
North Star Rescue
Palomacy Pigeon and Dove Rescue
Persian and Himalayan Cat Rescue
Rocket Dog Rescue
Schwartz Family Animal Welfare Foundation – Toy Breed
Sonoma County Reptile Rescue
SF Rescued Orphan Mammal Program – Wildlife
Veterinary Street Outreach Services (VetSOS)
Wonder Cat Rescue
Wonder Dog Rescue

SFACC Director, Virginia Donohue (R) with Palomacy Ex. Director, Elizabeth Young (second from R), and her team of pigeon peeps.

North Star (Rodent) Rescue representative and her plus one.

Friends Board Chair Genevieve Herreria (R) and Treasurer Andrea Gremer (L, standing) listen to the respresentative from Cal Bulldog Rescue.

Al Wolf from Sonoma County Reptile Rescue speaks about the challenges of rescuing animals in the county after the fires. 


2018 FSFACC Rescue Partner Awards