
A new year and a new home for Remi!

Our longest-term resident cat, Little, found her forever home Dec. 23. Congratulations, sweet girl!

Hop, another long-term resident, was adopted January 4. Yay!! Precious bun bun.
Macy, Milo, Conrad, and Liza Minelli (top left to right) were all adopted from the Macy’s Windows adoption event (Nov-Jan. 1, 2019. What an amazing way to find a new home!
Molly (left) and her new kitten Hieronymus Bosch, Billie Bob, Charo, and bonded pair Susie Susan and Petey Pepper–all were adopted after their people saw them at Macy’s Windows!
Karl and Kumar (L) and Ricardo (more Macy’s Windows adoptions).

Roy, a sweet tuxedo kitty.

Weezer has left the building with his new parents.

Kittens Misty Blue and Ash have found their forever home! Looks like their holiday is going to be merry and bright!
An excellent update… “Hi ACC! We adopted Tyler (7-yo male silver Tabby) on Aug 17 and wanted to send you an update. Our two-year-old daughter, Olive, picked him out of the dozens of cats we saw the ACC and SPCA. As you can see, she adores him, reading to him and playing with his cat toys.”

A holiday happy adoptions update! “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Cody (formerly known as Fillmore)”.

Monica, formerly Macy, enjoying a nap in her new home and looking slimmer already.

Ms. Tessa (formerly known as Audrey Hepburn) came to visit with her new brother who was adopted from East Bay SPCA! She is at her “maximum weight” and her coat is 100% (she was very underweight when she arrived at ACC)! She is still the sweetest girl and her dad says she loves humans. We love her too!
Another Happy Tails update! Chuy (known as Malcolm during his ACC days) is enjoying his best Christmas yet. His Dad sent these pics to let everyone know he is living this great life because of everyone’s hard work at ACC. Happy Holidays everyone!

“Frida this Xmas. Happiest girl ever. Happiest family ever. All the love!”

Beautiful senior kitty, Esther, was adopted from our Pet Food Express Satellite Adoption Center. Congratulations!

Dee Dee has a new family!


Miss Mary has been coming to Muttville adoption events for several weeks now looking for just the right companion. Well, today was the day and sweet ACC grad TWYLA was the one! These two lovely ladies will spend lots of time together going on walks and snuggling on these chilly nights. We’re so glad you finally found each other and congrats to you both! #ILoveMyMuttvilleDog
Many other ACC grads have taken Muttville by storm; here are a few: Popeye, a frenchie with a cleft palate; cutest bonded pair big dog/little dog Sonny & Cher; scruffy Felix; and snuggle bug min pin Jeter. Thank you, Muttville!

Senior cat gem Treo was recently adopted from us through Toni’s Kitty Rescue! Kitten season may have slowed down, but senior cats are always in season.

Scrumptious pup Cash went home with his new dad!

A Christmas Eve adoption: Guinea pig cuties River & Puddles were adopted from our Macy’s Union Square holiday windows. Congratulations!

Jack-Jack has gone home! Happy trails happy boy!

Scribbles went home today, happy trails, handsome!

Turbo with his new mom.
DEC 3, 2019: Thank you to the caring colleagues at Imgur for donating and personally delivering fabulous toys for the animals at SFACC on GIVING TUESDAY!