Adoption is always in style! Our hats are off, and our t-shirts and sweatshirts are ON in salute to SFACC grad cat Belarus and his amazing mom, Rachel Krall, who contributed $4,000 to SFACC in 2019 from fundraising projects and her own corporate matching gift. Her idea for a Belarus t-shirt fundraising drive came to her in July, 2019 after she adopted lovable, cross-eyed Belarus from the shelter the year before. She teamed with a company called Bonfire to create t-shirts with Belarus’s adorable face and and the tag-line “Love isn’t blind; it’s cross-eyed” and sold them online, with the proceeds going to Friends of SFACC. The shirts were so popular that Rachel decided to expand to winter wear—a delightful sweatshirt with Belarus’s adorable face on the front and the message “Adoption: The Best Pedigree” on the back. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sweatshirt drive were split between SFACC and Cat Town in Oakland.
…On a roll, Rachel also initiated a donation to SFACC of needed supplies from, which she hand-delivered to the shelter in December. We’re so grateful to her for channeling her love of beloved furry companion, Belarus, into a creative way to share that love and help the shelter too!
More about Belarus and Rachel…
Belarus was rescued from San Francisco Animal Care & Control in June 2018, when his googly eyes and winning personality caught the attention of many and won Rachel’s heart. This furry gray boy was surrendered to SFACC by his previous family because of landlord issues. He was at the shelter for about a month before a series of his photos by Josh Norem (@furrtographer) went viral after being posted on SFACC’s Instagram account. Rachel saw them and immediately knew she had to meet him. She is a big-time animal lover and had been following shelter pages for three years, hoping to find the perfect companion to offer a loving home. When she saw Belarus and heard more about him and that he needed a quiet and loving home, she knew it was meant to be.
Rachel rearranged her schedule and made a special trip to the shelter to meet Belarus. She was informed later that evening that she could take him home! “He’s now the king of his 1-bedroom castle in San Francisco. Belarus has continued to catch the eyes of many admirers on his new Instagram account @My_Boy_Belarus. He is a very active and oh so curious cat. He loves to play with balls and can even give high-fives for treats! He seems highly intelligent and doesn’t let his wonky eyes slow him down, in fact, he seems to see just fine minus a few quirks (like pawing at his water).”
Many mews and thanks to fundraising superhero Rachel Krall! Her passion for animals and her creative efforts in helping SFACC go far beyond adoption and inspire us all.
Belarus’s now has an Official Merchandise Store where you can order two shirt designs in a variety of fabrics and colors. Both designs donate 50% of proceeds to SFACC. Check them out HERE!
Pingback:Cross-Eyed Rescue Cat Belarus Earns Thousands of Dollars for Animal Charities