In May, SFACC had 99 adoptions (74 cats, 9 dogs, and 16 small animals/other species). SFACC also transferred 252 animals to partner organizations (107 cats, 57 dogs, and 88 small animals/other species). Thank you to everyone involved in helping to save these animals!

Polly Pocket (right) has gone home with a sister of her very own! Happy tails! We can’t wait to hear updates!
Adoption update for one of our teeniest alumni (who was the recipient of an amazing cake)! “We adopted Hawk (formerly Sanchez) from SFACC in 2018. He lived 3 years and was a wonderful mouse. Here he is with his 2 year adoption anniversary cake and other pictures we have of him.”

A happy Mother’s Day adoption: lovely Linda has gone home!

“I adopted Victor a few weeks ago and wanted to give an update! I’ve had three cats throughout my life and Victor is hands down the best I’ve ever had the pleasure to be friends with. He cuddles all day with me, demands to be held or sit on my shoulders while I watch tv and play games. He’s friendly to everyone. Definitely a little menace at 3am but he is the best. I couldn’t be happier than I am now. Really glad I walked into the wrong [shelter] and met him. Thank you so much!”
Happy one-year adoptaversary to Eleven and April (fka Bahama and Bobbette). “They are well and turned giant. We are the luckiest to have them and I just want to thank you for everything!” We love the now and then photos!

Arnold was adopted in April and is doing great in his forever home: “Arnie is bestest boy! He works hard sunning himself on the deck and gives super big kisses to his little older brothers. He is best friends with everyone at the dog park and loves playing tug with his cousin. Arns also likes to store things in his lips like a giant chipmunk.”

SFACC alum Ziggy is getting all the love and cuddles a growing pup needs with her forever family!
A happy adoption update… “Seven months ago, my partner Alan and I adopted this adorable kitty, whose shelter name was Netflix. We renamed him Finnegan, and we wanted to write to you today, on Finnegan’s special day: his 1-year birthday!
Thank you for introducing us to this soft, sweet cat who is so full of personality. Finny is a love-love who fetches and returns crinkle balls, plays animatedly with cat dancer, plays “soccer” with Alan under the bathroom door, snuggles with us all night, and keeps us company when we work from home. I’m sure everyone says this about their cats, but Finn-Finn truly has the cutest mannerisms and poses. He also never quite developed a meow, just a little talkative squeak and all kinds of stretching and yawning noises.
The attached “family photo” was taken this morning and shows Finn’s personality–he’s a morning person who has no time to sit still and take a photo. If anyone who reads this happens to remember “Netflix” from seven months ago (We gathered he had a bit of a reputation for his spirited personality), you’ll probably recognize him in this action shot. : )
…From a very happy cat mom and cat dad”

Adoption update! Sweet young bun Lavern was adopted and went home with her new brother Snow! Her new name is Mia and her adopters report she’s living her best life. She and Snow have even started grooming each other.
A great adoption day! Petite pittie Tina Turner went home with her new family including SFACC grad Chuy (fka Malcolm). Her new name is Rey. And we already have an update that they’re getting along great!

Wee fluffy buns Empanada and Tostada have gone home!



Mia Hamm
Sol & Luna

Sweet Whitney