Virtual Coyote Talk

On Thursday, Sept. 29, Keli Hendricks from Project Coyote, SF Animal Care & Control, and the SF Recreation & Parks Department held a virtual talk about the coyotes in our midst, common coyote myths, ways to keep you and your pets safe, what to do if you see a coyote, laws and coyotes, and so much more. A Q&A followed the presentation with questions about coyote behavior in general and SF coyotes in particular.

If you missed the webinar, you can view the recording on Youtube.

For additional questions, please contact

Bubbles & Brunch Reception to Thank Major Donors

“Hi…hi…hi”  A lovely parrot visiting with Mike Reed from Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue, greeted guests as they came through SFACC’s door to attend a reception on June 18. Hosted by the Friends of SFACC the reception was held in appreciation of major donors who contributed to the new building fundraising campaign. On the rooftop, everyone enjoyed made-to-order crepes and chilled mimosas, and mingled with board members, SFACC staff and volunteers, bunnies, and dogs.

Meanwhile on the second floor, visitors learned how to make a dog toy, cuddle with a guinea pig at Guinea Pig Village, and have the pleasure of experiencing a parrot on their head. In a presentation and Q&A with Officer Stephanie Pone, guests learned about the breadth of shelter services and especially the work of Animal Control Officers. Everyone had a nice time and it was a fun way to spend a sunny morning and say thank you to supporters.

The Friends of SFACC is also purchasing canopies to help shade the upstairs rabbit run. The canopies will reduce the heat and allow for more small animal playtime on the roof. Thank you Friends!

The Friends of SFACC: Development and Communications Director McKenzie Joseph (second from left); board members (L-R) Alex Lin-Goldsmith, Lauren Weston (chair), Leah Wilberding, Kristina Kaiser, and Tim Tandun. (Not pictured are board members: Remy Savin and Ian Fraley. Ian poured mimosas for guests and hung out with ACC dog Stilton.) 

More photos from the event, by Garrett Minnie…

Convicting Animal Abusers: Charlie’s Case Study

By Lead Animal Control Officer Rebecca Fenson #22, CACO

Remember the Brian Cook case involving Charlie, the sweet Golden Retriever puppy? In January 2022, Cook was charged and pleaded guilty to animal cruelty and neglect, a misdemeanor. The word got out (including a great TikTok video!) and reached the University of San Francisco School of Law. Matthew Liebman, Associate Professor and Chair of the Justice for Animals Program invited former Assistant District Attorney Paige Zielinsky (who prosecuted the case and has since left the DA’s office) and me to speak to his law students and give them an inside glimpse into how SFACC’s Animal Control Officers (ACOs) investigate crimes-against-animals cases and then present the cases to the District Attorney’s office.

Professor Liebman specializes in animal law and was teaching a seminar about whether animals are entitled to justice and how such an entitlement intersects with human social justice struggles. Paige and I were invited to speak to the students in late March on a day when they were exploring the relationship between animals and the criminal justice system, and discussing how restorative justice principles might be applied in animal cruelty cases. He specifically asked us to share how the Cook case was investigated and prosecuted.

Paige and I put together a Power Point presentation and I spoke first, describing the work we do at SFACC and in Field Services, and then explaining how we investigated the case and created a case file to bring to the DA’s office. I talked about the challenges of this case (for example, we found no direct evidence, just piles of circumstantial evidence), Cook’s demeanor as the investigation progressed, and how this case differed from the other cases I’ve handled. For example, Cook was consistently taking his injured puppy to the veterinarian and paying for all of the recommended treatments. This was unusual because one of the most common violations we see when we respond to and investigate cases of abuse or neglect is that the animal (usually a puppy or adult dog) is suffering from a medical condition such as Parvo, a severe skin condition, a broken leg, or is emaciated, and is NOT taken to a veterinarian. Also unusual was the fact that Cook was consistently cooperative and polite (later this absence of emotion and his odd detachment was creepy and weird, but the lack of hostility was initially surprising).

After my chronological summary of the investigation, Paige talked about the post-investigation criminal prosecution. Her topics included charging, discovery, arraignment and plea, offer and negotiations, diversion (Diversion is when the case is diverted out of the court system and into Neighborhood Courts, which doesn’t offer a “no animal” condition and is often dismissed with no record—we didn’t want that to happen for this case), and the case disposition.

We could have talked longer, there was so much to this case, and not enough time for a Q&A. Paige and I communicated afterwards and agreed that we made a great team and really enjoyed working together on the case. And, even though she is no longer with the DA’s office, she will assist us in any way she can in the future.

Later, Matthew said that he and the students learned a lot. It was rewarding to talk to such a perfect audience—young people who are interested in seeking justice for animals through the law. I was very happy to connect with Matthew, who is as committed as I am to helping all animals, and we plan on talking again in the future about our work.

To view the Cook Investigation and Prosecution presentation, click Brian Cook PPT.

Disaster Preparedness for Pets

Remember when we used to think of only earthquakes when we considered the disasters San Francisco might experience? Unfortunately, that list is growing, so being prepared is critical for you and your pets.

At the October 14 meeting of the S.F. Commission of Animal Control and Wefare, our own Dr. Shari O’Neill, DVM, gave a comprehensive presentation on the supplies to have on hand for your pets, how to make a pet disaster plan, and where to seek shelter for you and your pets in the event of an emergency. You’ll learn exactly what you need in your pet go-to bag. Be ready. Your pets are counting on you!

View the meeting recording HERE (the presentation starts at about minute 7).

Download the PDF: SFACC Pet Preparedness & Sheltering Presentation.

2020 Annual Friends of SFACC Rescue Partner Grant Awards

SNAP Cats, located in Santa Rosa, CA, is dedicated to the rescue and care of Special Needs cats, including FeLV+, FIV+ and seniors. SNAP Cats is one of 25 SFACC partner rescue organizations that received a Friends of SFACC grant last month. 

Each year, Friends gives local animal rescue organizations microgrants to help them rescue all species of animals from the shelter. In May, 25 applications were received and 25 grants were awarded to partners for their work in 2020. The grant amounts ranged from $500-$3,000. Here’s a quick run-down of the process this year:
1. The SFACC team provided the Friends grant committee (one Friends employee, two SFACC employees, and five Friends board members) with a master list of partners from the past year with the number of animals taken in by each partner.
2. Sixty-five groups were invited to apply via email and all partners were given one month to return a simple application for funds.
3. Committee members reviewed each application, then had a two-hour virtual meeting to discuss each organization and agree on an award amount for each.

The grants can make a real difference in helping with medical or supply needs, especially for smaller organizations. Darryl Roberts, the Found/Executive Director of SNAP Cats: “We enjoy our relationship with SFACC and will continue to rescue as many special needs/senior cats from them as possible. Out of the 22 cats that we’ve rescued from SFACC to date, only one has not been adopted. We’re hoping to find a home for her soon. Thank you again for your generous grant!”

Here are the recipients of the 2020 Rescue Grant Awards:

Copper’s Dream
Dog Zone
Every Pet’s Dream Rescue
Give Me Shelter
Grateful Dogs
JNW Reptiles
Mickaboo Birds
NorCal Bully Breed
Ohlone Humane Society
One Living Sanctuary Rescue
Pure Breds Plus
Ratical Rodent
Save a Bunny
Saving Grace Rescue
Snap Cats
Sonoma Reptile
Sweet Farm
The Heart of Rescue (THOR)
Town Cats Rescue
Toy Dog
Underdog Animal Rescue
Wildcare Solutions

Bravo and thanks to all the organizations who work with SFACC all year. A special shout-out to Kathryn Jones, SFACC Adoption Partner Transfer Coordinator; McKenzie Joseph, Director of Development & Communications for Friends of SFACC; and Remy Savin, Friends of SFACC Board Member, who collectively guided and implemented the award process.