March 8, 2024 – Northern Saw-whet owl

Officer Mullen reports…

Earlier this week I was working at dispatch when I received a call from a concerned homeowner about a small baby owl in her back yard that was not flying away when approached and had been there for a few hours. She was afraid that the owl might be sick or injured. Since we needed her to be home to access the backyard, I asked if she would be home for a bit while I found an officer to go out there and she told me that she would stay home as long as it takes to ensure that the owl was cared for. I sent Lieutenant Ryer out to get a closer look at the owl’s condition. Lt. Ryer arrived on scene and met with the homeowner who brought her into the backyard to see the small owl that taken up residency on her back steps. Due to the small size, it was first thought to be a baby owl, but upon closer inspection the owl appeared to be an adult Northern Saw-whet owl (and anecdotally one of the cutest owls ever).

Wearing her protective bite gloves, Lt. Ryer used a large towel and slowly approached the owl. Using the towel, she was able to gently grab the owl and place the bird in a transport box. Once in the box, she was able to get a better look at the bird, who appeared to be hopping around well and had no apparent injury. These birds are mainly nocturnal and so it was a bit strange to find one during the day just sitting on the ground. After communicating via text with our partners at Peninsula Humane Society Wildlife Care Center in Burlingame, they thought it was best to bring the bird to them for a closer evaluation.

Northern Saw-whet owls are mainly active at late dusk and through the night, they have excellent low-light vision and can easily find prey in the darkness of night. Its defense upon discovery is to sit still and not fly, this behavior leads people to perceive these owls as “tame” and was possibly the behavior that we witnessed in the homeowner’s backyard.

During breeding season males give a rhythmic tooting song that can go on for hours without a break. The bird was named for this song which resembles the sound of a saw being sharpened on a whetting stone. The female Northern Saw-whet owl does all of the incubation and brooding, while the male hunts and brings back food for all to eat. When the youngest nestling is about 18 days old, the female leaves the nest to roost elsewhere. The male continues to bring food for another month and the older nestlings will help to feed their younger siblings. They are one of the smallest owls in North America and can be similar in size to an American Robin.

The owl was brought back to SFACC where we put a call out to our dedicated transport volunteers to help bring this adorable owl to get wonderful care he deserved with our amazing rescue partners at PHS Wildlife Center. We are always in need of more people who are available to help us transport creatures of all shapes and sizes to our rescue partners. Please reach out to us on our website and see how you can become a transport volunteer. If you see wildlife in need of our care, please call SFACC dispatch at 415-554-9400 to speak with one of our officers.


Thank you Amazon for spending your day with us! This team decorated home-made nutritious Valentine cookies for the dogs, among helping with other tasks.

We believe that caring for an animal is vital for many humans and can be especially so for folks experiencing homelessness and unstable housing. Corporate volunteers are the backbone of our new community program, prepping necessary supplies for our pet pantry families. We can accommodate up to 20 corporate volunteers each month, we will ask you to confirm your group size on the submission form.

February 2024

Timothy McFreckle-Face, eager to leave the building, was adopted after three months at the shelter.

Wee puppy Bryony has a new family and a new name, Juneau. He will have a big brother to show him the way!

Sweet puppy Spritz (left) went home to learn the ropes with his new older sister.

Sweet little Tetra has a new home and a new name, Coco. Happy tails!

Handsome charmer Tiger has been adopted by an employee of San Francisco Recreation and Park Department!

Phoebe and her new family.

Enzo update (formerly known as Chowder)! “Hello! A month ago my partner and I adopted a puppy from your shelter. I just wanted to send some photos and a little update. He is a playful, friendly, and sweet puppy! LOVES THE SUN. Two weeks ago we started training and he already knows many tricks… he knows how to sit, stay, down, touch, look (he look at you), come, leave it. He’s a very smart boy!! He has a very particular way to sleep. we all love him”


Catanzarro, now Moonpie, was adopted by a senior cat volunteer.






Sugar Cookie


February 9, 2024 – grebe on the beach

Officer Mullen reports…
Earlier this week, after some of the big storms, a concerned citizen called our dispatch at 415-554-9400 to report a bird on the beach that appeared to be in some distress. The bird was being dive-bombed by a group of crows and dogs were running up and disturbing the bird. I made my way to the beach and some nice people had already gathered up the bird and placed it carefully in a box to protect it as they awaited my arrival. I peered into the box and found a young apparently healthy Western Grebe. These are beautiful black and white birds with red eyes and a long pointy bill (that they know how to use well, so be careful). The person told me that the bird was still quite feisty, but did not appear to be able to walk or fly away when the dogs and people approached, so they were concerned that the bird was injured.

The Western Grebe is a water dwelling, diving bird that is an aggressive hunter, diving into the water and spearing fish with its long bill. They have thick waterproof plumage that actually traps water between feathers, giving them great control of their buoyancy. They can sink deeply or stay at or just below the surface, exposing as much or as little of their body as they wish. Their legs are set in the rear of their bodies which makes them excellent swimmers, but makes walking on land very awkward. They are known for their elaborate aquatic courting displays where they appear to walk and run on the surface of the water standing upright and flapping their wings. Grebes raise their young together and carry their young on their backs. There is a patch of bare yellow skin on the head of the young that turns scarlet red when begging for food or if separated from the parents. Grebes fly short distances at a time and can only take off from the water, never from dry land. These birds are rarely found on land and mainly end up on our shores during or after major storms, brought in by the high surf and winds.

Thankfully this Western Grebe did not appear to be injured, but was just displaced from the storms and probably a bit tired and hungry. We were able to transport this beautiful bird to our rescue partners at Peninsula Humane Society Wildlife Care Center in Burlingame to get some much needed rest and nutrition to help get this bird back in the water once again. A huge thank you to the concerned citizens who called about the bird and protected him until we were able to pick up and transport it. Thank you also to PHS Wildlife Care Center for their amazing work helping with the rehabilitation of all of the displaced and injured animals left behind after the crazy storms we have experienced. Please do not hesitate to call our dispatch (415-554-9400) if you see any injured or displaced wildlife.

January 2024

Playful pup Clyde found his forever family! Everyone was so excited to take him home. Looks like Clyde has a couple of new siblings to keep him busy.

Update: Fluffy mama cat Gigi (fka Chica) was adopted in 2019. She’s flourishing in her forever home, getting lots of quality cuddle time and looking gorgeous!

Pretty Patch is going home to another cat – a brother that they adopted from SFACC in 12/2022.

Our longest term resident Guinea pig Daytona has been adopted!

Update: “I wanted to send you a little update on how your friend Violet is doing since she came to live with me on Christmas Eve this past year.

First, she is now called Vivie as in Voluptuous Vivie, some times Vicious Vivie as she has limited patience for brushing and some handling but we don’t let it stop us from living the good life. I waited until today to message you as today Viv had her first appointment with Dr. Gervais, her new vet and we learned that she has lost a little weight. She is now weighing in at about 16.6 pounds, down from her previous 17! Yippee, that’s good news as Viv has been working very hard on her figure! While you can’t tell from the attached photos she is definitely feeling vivacious in her new life and I am so, so pleased she found me!”

UPDATE: “I wanted to give y’all an update on Huckleberry. We renamed him to Bigby. (He is quite the Big boy.) We celebrated his 3 months recently with some froyo! He’s been getting along super well with our 7 and 4 year olds, and we are able to take him on loads of errands and adventures.

Also, turns out he was 73 lbs and vet says he’s closer to 1 year old! haha. He’s got that big puppy energy, but a really well mannered one. Outside of a little bit of dog reactivity that we’ve been making progress on, Bigby boy is turning out to be the perfect family cow, I mean dog.”





Pudgie Budgie

