In July, SFACC had 159 adoptions (22 dogs, 114 cats, and 23 other species). In addition, the shelter transferred 307 animals to adoption partners (95 dogs, 125 cats, and 87 other species). Thank you to everyone involved in helping save these animals!

Yay! Sweet little Yuji has gone from injured shelter dog to happy, healthy, and adopted! His new name is Binky.
When adorable tripod Reba came to SFACC, she was bit shy. But with some TLC, she started showing off her silliness in no time and was adopted quickly.

Update: Tigar the kitten was adopted and is already cuddling up with her new big brother.

Guinea pig mama Apple has been adopted; she went home to a piggie sibling!

What a great couple of guinea pig adoption days: Apple’s daughters Raspberry and Strawberry were adopted together yesterday!

Chunk has left the building! He’s headed home with his new family, including a new canine big sister.
“His name is Mint. My boyfriend and I adopted him at 11 weeks old, on Father’s Day in June 2021. I was initially apprehensive about adopting another cat, but when I saw him on the Animal Care & Control Facebook page, I instantly fell in love. We decided to keep the name given to him, because it’s perfect. We were told that he was found at a bus stop, which tugged at our heartstrings even more. Naturally, he was shy and nervous when we took him home, but he quickly warmed up to us–especially our cat Luna. He spends his day cuddling up with her, grooming her, and playing with her. He also loves to sit with his papa and suckle on his fuzzy blankie. He has gotten super big, but I don’t think he realizes it because he still likes to squeeze himself wherever Luna is. He is so sweet and so friendly (especially at the vet), we feel lucky to have him in our little family and thankful for whoever saved him that one fateful day at the bus stop.”

Scrumptious puppy Snugz has gone home. We can’t wait to hear updates!

Sweet little guinea pig guy Tuffy has a new home.

Double adoption update: Chuy (on the right, formerly Malcolm, adopted 2019) and Rey (formerly Tina Turner, adopted 2022) came by for a visit. What a happy family!

Fluffy senior sweetie Spike has gone home and he’s going to have a feline brother!

Woohoo! Sweet mama Joy has gone home! She raised the dumpling pups and is now going to soak up all the love from her new family.

Dumpling pup Samosa was adopted by an SFACC volunteer. Hooray!

Another dumpling pup adopted: Empanada.

Dumpling pup Ravioli’s new name is Moose!

Gnocchi has a new family!

Dumpling pup Bao with new dad!

Little dumpling pup Momo has a new family and a BIG sis!

Another dumpling pup adopted: Gyoza!

Orange tabby sweetie Milo was adopted and immediately charmed his adopters with his lovely personality. Happy tails!

Wiggling Tails and ACC Alum, Tesla came by to drop off 16 jars of Peanut Butter–thank you so much!! Tesla was adopted from us in 2013.
Two of our Caturday adoptions: kitten Trevor is going home to join a kitten girl recently adopted from us, and black kitty Pug is also heading home, after posing under the watchful eye of Favianna Rodriguez’s cat sculpture.

Pretty parakeet Prince has flown the coop to a new home!

Piggy cuties Rocco and Celebrity have been adopted together–yay! Their adopters are students at UC Davis. Happy tails!

Gimme pigs! Yesterday four guinea pigs found their forever homes, including Godzilla and Indie who went home together.

Adorable Durian.