Jennifer O’Loughlin is what we call a “repeat adopter.” She’s adopted four cats from ACC over the years. It all started in 2001 with a grumpy green-eyed tortie named Harley that she adopted and renamed Chloe and an orange tabby she named Fig. When her son Finn was born in 2007, Chloe immediately became fast friends with Finn. (Fun fact: Jennifer almost named Chloe “Finn” before she ever knew she would have a child). Says Jennifer, “I was never fearful the cats would scratch or harm the baby. Of course, I was watchful but the cats just accepted him, especially Chloe who constantly nuzzled him. I called Finn “Chloe’s little kitten” because wherever he was, the cat was there looking over him.”
With a laugh, Jen adds, “Fig was a little more wary especially when the baby learned to walk- the cat took off for higher ground.” Fig was something of a klepto cat. “Fig was fond of jewelry. He’d pick up rings, and other jewelry pieces and I’d find them in odd places.” Chloe and Fig were a huge part of Finn’s life.
In 2016, when Chloe was almost 18, she became ill and passed away, and Jennifer went back to ACC to adopt a third kitty, 5-year old Greta. Finn renamed her Tinkerbell (was Greta) after a character in his favorite movie at the time (Hook) “because she was the prettiest girl in the world.” They had a very special bond.
In early May of this year, Fig was euthanized at almost 20. Jennifer had adopted him at 5 months old and was devastated—he shared so much of her life. Two weeks later, Tinkerbell was diagnosed with lymphoma of the liver and spleen. Jennifer gave her palliative care and she died a few weeks later, on Juneteenth. “My heart shattered…to lose two in a matter of weeks. “We were both devastated. Our home is not complete without a cat to love.” She knew that ACC was holding virtual adoptions during the covid shutdown and she filled out the online adoption application.
Meanwhile, ACC volunteer Dawn had spent a week fostering a special needs cat named Bella, who reportedly had been left behind in a house, which happens sometimes when people are evicted and don’t know what else to do with their pets. “She was a special needs foster, because she was a little fearful and bitey.” In the care of her foster home, Bella became relaxed and calm, and reportedly not even afraid of fireworks.
In early July, the adoption stars aligned, and Jennifer and Finn welcomed Bella into their home. Jen decided to rename her Mishka, “it means “sweetheart,” “little bear” or “little white bear” or “Gift from God” in many languages). [photo] She is settling in marvelously: She’s playful, agreeable, very affectionate, and gorgeous. It took her 3-4 days to decide I was safe enough she could sleep on my bed. She snuggles into my underarm, on my shoulder or on top of my head on my pillow every night touching my face with her polar bear paws. She seems a little leary of taking in all the views from our little apartment as if she’s agoraphobic (she looks surprised when she sees people, cars, dogs or hears birds in the park across the street). She’s very content sleeping on the sofa or my bed. We adore her!”
Reflecting on the joy that all of their cats have brought to their family and what they’ve taught Finn—unconditional love, empathy, and caring for a living being–Jennifer decided to make a donation to the Friends of SFACC, in gratitude for the ongoing work of the shelter staff and volunteers. “Mostly, I want to give back to the city agency and its legion of caring volunteers. They’ve given so much to me and my family, and adopting from SFACC for nearly 20 years has been an incredibly positive experience. They’ve saved the lives of countless animals─and that takes money.” ACC provides many services the many residents are unaware of, including temporary shelter for pets of domestic violence survivors. “Having been in two relationships marked by domestic violence, I know pets can be in immediate danger as a means to maintain dominance and control through fear. It’s hard enough to flee especially when you’re afraid to leave your pets behind.”
Jennifer’s gift will help continue the programs that guide adoptable animals to their forever families. We’re so grateful for her generosity and for sharing her story.
Ear floof kitten champ Hannah (now Senneca) is now in her furrever home. Looks like she has lots of cuddles in her future!
Happy One-year Adoptaversary to Opal (aka Tippy)! Her dad says, “I can’t believe it’s been a year since Opal’s traumatic street-life existence melted away into a loved-filled one at Clement Nursery, and in mine.”
Foster win! “thanks to some great matchmaking by ACC staff, we brought home this adorable young mama to foster after she finished raising her 9 kittens. Only took three days for us to know she was a keeper. Juliette now has her forever home with us, and is already the queen of the castle.”
Mama, now Cora, has found her forever home! Happy tails sweet girl!
Sweet gray boy Asher was a stray and has been adopted by the person who found him.
Rocky adopted.
A huge congratulations to adopter Geoffrey for adopting Nova, from our partner org Boise Bully Breed Rescue! Geoffrey writes, “Nova is doing great and I couldn’t be happier. We are working well together and have been on a routine, where we walk in the morning and in the evening before breakfast and dinner. We have made trips around town, to the river and beach, doing pretty good in public stores and businesses, and we are improving with her social skills with other pets, mainly dogs. During our walks, Nova is confronted with many things (people, squirrels, people and dogs, birds, flocks of geese, even cats, dogs behind fencing) she had seemingly learn to leave most distractions along the way, alone. The more we work together, the better she gets. I couldn’t imagine her going away. Yes, it is safe to let others know, she has been adopted!” A big thank you to BBBR staff member and dog trainer Bill for showing Nova to her new dad! Thank you BBBR Foster/Adoption Coordinator Ashley for facilitating the adoption.
Matias was adopted has already proven himself to be an ace lap cat!
It’s a foster win for sweet Cookie! This sweet little lady arrived at the shelter terribly matted and scared, but has blossomed during her time at SFACC and in foster. Her foster has made it official, “she’s growing more confident and relaxed every day.” Congratulations to both of you!
Moon was one of the Hurricane Irma pups. His new full name is Hamilton Moon and his family loves him dearly!
Kitten boy Biga has happily joined the family of ACC grad Bomboloni (adopted last year; was Shiva)( their dad is an Italian baker). Bomboloni’s mom was worried he’d get lonely when they went back to work after having been home during SIP, so she applied to adopt another cat. She thought he might like a feline sibling since whenever she watched cat videos on her computer he’d come up to the screen and touch his nose to it. She didn’t care about age/sex/color as long as it was a good match for Bomboloni. Our adoption adviser thought of a kitten whose adoptions kept falling through and the match has worked out better than we could’ve hoped! He’d just been waiting to go home to his new big brother! Check them out enjoying a kitchen playfest!
Max (was Palmer) was adopted this month and is loving his new home: “The dog brothers are getting along great.” His husky brother is clearly giving him some modeling lessons!
Scrumptious pup Dora (was Fruity Pebbles) was adopted in March and is thriving in her forever home! Her adopters report “Here are some new shots of our favorite dog in the world. She couldn’t be better and we couldn’t be happier.” Yay Dora!
Guinea pigs Blythe and Gwenyth adopted.
Butterbean adopted through Beyond Rescue.
Duke Ellington recently had his 10-year Adoptversary!
Petunia then (sweet pup at SFACC) and now (gorgeous and happy in her forever home)!
Handsome Stumpy McGee adopted!
Rescue road trip! Thor and Loki were backyard dogs who were surrendered to us a month ago with terrible dermatitis. They responded really well to basic care and treatment from us, came out of their shells, and had a fun road trip (complete with a stop for doggie ice cream) up to their foster home with Wigglin’ Home Boxer Rescue-WHBR. They are now blossoming in their foster home in rural Oregon. They’ve already got several interested adopters and are having a blast. Thank you to our new rescue partner, and all our transporters and rescue partners!
Tippy and Spotty were adopted together. Yay!
Topsy and Turvy went to our rescue partner, Copper’s Dream. Thank you!
In June, SFACC had 101 virtual adoptions and 250 animals were transferred to partners–rescues and other shelters. Here are some adoption highlights and updates…
Sweet boy Scrappy has been adopted! He’s got a big forever family, including canine sister Billie, who was adopted from SFACC in 2018.
Bonded pair update: Meo Meo and Miu Miu! “We adopted this bonded pair back in February and I wanted to let you know how happy and healthy they are together in their new home! Thanks for the joy they bring!”
“This is Shaunday (it’s a nickname that means ‘Little’ in Kiowa). You may remember him as Steve McQueen. He has been with us for five years, and we are so thankful to you guys for giving this scared little dental disaster a new shot at life. He is a senior now at 11 (not that you could tell beyond the very slightest cloudiness in his eyes), living in Oklahoma City with his own backyard and a big sister and an endless parade of foster siblings that he rules over from the back of the sofa. He is safe and loved forever.”
“Here is Trey (formerly Geneva), 4 yrs old on June 15. She came to my house at 3 months old from SFACC. All kitty fun all the time. Fetches. Ruins chairs. Best cat ever.”
“This is Tory. We adopted her in 2013. Our little blind chi/pug. She can’t wait for the day she can start visiting her favorite SFACC staff!”
Two ACC alumni, both May 2019 grads, meet on the streets! Chuy (Malcolm) and Theo (Joaquin) had a surprise meetup. After a brief hello they got down to some fun sidewalk playtime!
A guinea pig happy tails update with extreme cuteness! Guinness was adopted back in April and just had his first birthday party with his brother Niko. What a great pair they make!
Hooray! Cutie pie Mr Buttercup is headed home with his new mom.
Good boy Kimchi has gone home with his new family! Happy tails sweet boy.
Update about ginger gem Sprinkle! “I adopted this 6-year-old sweetie a little a year ago. He is the nicest chillest cat who tolerates his grumpy older sister with grace. He loves telling me about his day and getting in a good snuggle. But generally, he’s a low key independent little guy. He came with the name Sprinkle and I couldn’t change it because it suits him. I’m lucky to have this ginger boy in my life. Thanks ACC!”
Jones (ACC grad) went to his forever home with Michelle and Guido through adoption partner Muttville and we couldn’t be happier for him! We know he’ll be the perfect first dog for them and they’re all looking forward to going on weekend adventures together!
“Just wanted to take a minute to say thanks. I worked with NASRN (National Anatolian Shepherd Rescue Network) to foster “Hunter” now Bubba one year ago tomorrow. He fell in love with our same age Anatolian mix girl. …He was said to be Anatolian/Pyrenees… He grew more and was a handful at first but I knew he had a good heart. We kept working with him and now he is an AWESOME MAGNIFICENT dog. Thanks SO MUCH for doing what you all do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
In May, SFACC had 63 virtual adoptions: 47 cats & kittens, 12 guinea pigs, and 4 dogs!
A Special Update About a Cat Named Calder… “I have always been a cat lover. My husband Paul loved cats, but didn’t want to have one for fear of tripping over it. (He had some balance issues and was very conservative regarding safety!). In 2013, Paul started having significant balance issues which evolved into mobility issues and other neurological problems. Over time, things progressed and ultimately, Paul was in a wheelchair. After a visit by friends who had a sweet dog who stayed very close to Paul for the whole visit, it dawned on me that there was no longer a tripping issue!! I talked with Paul about getting a cat, finally asking “what would happen if a cat appeared in our apartment?” and he said “Well, I guess we’d have a cat!” So lickity split, off I went to SFACC. (May 4th, 2017)
I was looking for a specific orange cat, and on our way to see it, the SFACC volunteer introduced me to Marco, saying he was a sweet, friendly cat. And he was indeed…immediately brushed up against my leg and let me pick him up. Sweet boy. But I needed to see the orange cat. And I did…but there was no connection. Back to Marco. Sweet wonderful boy and I knew he was our new kitty. He is a silver tabby with lovely markings, and the friend who came with me said he looked like an impressionist painting. Thinking of artist’s names, Calder seemed to fit, and that was it.
I brought him home, introduced him to Paul, and got Calder settled in a small room. They had told me to keep him in a small space to acclimate and slowly introduce him to the whole house. And, that he’d let us know when he wanted to do that. Well, it didn’t take long!! After a couple of exploratory trips out, he told us loud and clear that it was time. That evening, he snuggled up to us on the sofa and slept with us that night.
Calder was an incredible gift to Paul, who quickly became his best buddy, snuggling up to him in his chair, in bed…wherever Paul was, there was Calder. Paul’s health continued to deteriorate, and he died in November, 2018. Calder actually went into mourning for a year… Cats mourn too. Calder has been the best companion to me in my own mourning process…staying close, snuggling in next to me, day and night. I am so grateful for him.
Calder is a character…people friendly, quite talented at tossing and catching catnip mice, insists on a (very) early breakfast, and his favorite plaything is paper. He is quite dapper and enjoys sporting a bow tie or hat now and then…and is also one of the sounded sleepers I’ve ever met. I love this boy and am so grateful to him and to SF ACC for bringing us together.
Thank you for all the good work SF ACC does, and for all the love stories it creates.”
Sweet Pickles has some exciting news to share: she’s a big sister! Pickles loves her new baby; she runs to check on him when he makes any little peep. The family says that she has brought so much love and light to them. Congratulations Pickles! And thank you to her awesome adoptive family welcoming her into their family. (A big thank you to Boise Bully Breed Rescue for helping Pickles find her family by taking her into your adoption network.)
Handsome bun boy Hop is living life to the fullest: “He has been exploring and trying to befriend our cat. Hop has also gone to the beach, (we kept him away from dogs and watched him carefully, also he was on a full body leash, not just neck leash). He is doing super well and has been trying different kinds of greens, his favorite so far are parsley and he loves sweet potatoes, but we don’t give him much sweet potato because it isn’t that nutritious.”
Welcome home Dante! This gray cutie has found a furrever home with comfy laps and paper bags to explore!
Chrissy has ears for days and a forever home! She’s a foster win and has an adorable new name, Bertie (and check out that precious cable knit sweater). Congratulations!
Sweet pup Tenaya (was Pineapple) found her forever home! She’s one of our virtual adoptions and is now feeling cozy and loved in her new home. Tenaya has even found a new favorite place to lie surrounded by soft greenery in her new yard!
“My husband and I adopted Miller from the ACC in November of 2016. He was 7 months old. He’s quite dog-like for a cat and is king of the household. He brings us so much joy and even has his own Facebook Page, Miller the kitty! He’s so affectionate and fun and is king of the household.”
Jack and Beatrice are off to their new home together. Yay!
Arya and Cloud are a purrfect pair in their furrever home together.
Yay for Shaka, another virtual adoption!
Mia (was Holly) pupdate! She was adopted from us in December 2019 as a 4-month-old pup. She’s as cute as ever and loving life.
So this adoption happened through Muttville, after ACC grad GRACIE got the best social media selfie introduction with new mom, Leeann. This Irish wolfhound with a puppy-like personality is ready to be queen of the backyard and conqueror of all 38-inch-high counter tops. Congrats to her new family!
Cardi Brie
“It’s been almost 5 years now that we’ve had our darling Lilliputian (formerly Clementine). Lilli continues to bring us joy, she’s been an extra blessing while being at home during this pandemic. Thank you, ACC, you all are the best.”
POKEY’s JOURNEY…SFACC Animal Care Attendant, Kathryn Jones drove one of our dogs, Pokey, out to a Boise Bully Breed hand-off. (The Idaho rescue org has been a great partner in adopting out ACC dogs and picking them up at halfway points like Reno.) “Pokey held it down with us at SFACC since before the SIP and he did great on his trip today! He couldn’t quite figure out what the deal with snow was, but he’ll get there. Boise just texted me to let me know he’s settled in for the night, officially as an Idaho spud.” It didn’t take too long before Pokey was adopted by a wonderful family. He’s now known as Biggie and his mom Stephanie reports, “Yep, he is with us for life. He seems to be happy at our house. The cats are warming up, he’s great with our daughter, always wants to play, rarely barks… everything is great. His farts are straight from he** but we can manage. Thank you so much for helping us get Biggie into our family.”
It’s a cliché because it’s true: it takes a village. Big(gie) thank yous to Kathryn with SFACC for coordinating the intake and driving Pokey; BBBR Transport Coordinator Elizabeth for organizing Pokey’s transport; BBBR trainer Lou for facilitating the kitty intro; and BBBR Foster/Adopter Coordinator Ashley for facilitating the adoption.
Shakespeare adopted!
Beautiful Marnie has found her forever home. Congratulations!
“This is Louis, formerly known as Rigatoni, from a pasta themed litter in December of 2018/January 2019. Louis is the biggest goofball. Loves his fellow dog friends and humans! We love him dearly. Thank you SFACC!”
“We’ve had Delilah for over two weeks now and we all love her. We wanted to let know all know she is doing fabulous. She is such a smart, and sassy kitty who knows her name and comes when you call her. She has a wonderful, curious, and loving personality and do you know she is already litter box trained. She spends time with everyone in the house including Tippy. Just yesterday, we were playing with a dancing ribbon and I had the wand, Delilah had the bottom of the ribbon and Tippy had the middle. It was so cute to see them playing together. She eats like a champ and I can tell she is growing every day. She loves to play with all of her toys and we find them all over the house. Every night she goes from room to room until she decides who she’s sleeping with.
Another great puppy adoption! Milo (was Specs) is so happy with his new family. He has a personal set of stairs to reach his new bed that he shares with his parents. He also perfectly sits on command. Congratulations!
ACC alum Opal (was Tippy) didn’t get the memo that toilet paper hoarding is so last month. Opal spends her days at the Clement Nursery in SF (the owner adopted her).
Happy adoption news! Kona’s (formerly Tucker) family is over the moon with their new fur baby. Kona had his first bath over the weekend and did really well. What a good boy!
In May SFACC had 63 virtual adoptions: 47 cats & kittens, 12 guinea pigs, and 4 dogs!
A Special Update About a Cat Named Calder… “I have always been a cat lover. My husband Paul loved cats, but didn’t want to have one for fear of tripping over it. (He had some balance issues and was very conservative regarding safety!). In 2013, Paul started having significant balance issues which evolved into mobility issues and other neurological problems. Over time, things progressed and ultimately, Paul was in a wheelchair. After a visit by friends who had a sweet dog who stayed very close to Paul for the whole visit, it dawned on me that there was no longer a tripping issue!! I talked with Paul about getting a cat, finally asking “what would happen if a cat appeared in our apartment?” and he said “Well, I guess we’d have a cat!” So lickity split, off I went to SFACC. (May 4th, 2017)
I was looking for a specific orange cat, and on our way to see it, the SFACC volunteer introduced me to Marco, saying he was a sweet, friendly cat. And he was indeed…immediately brushed up against my leg and let me pick him up. Sweet boy. But I needed to see the orange cat. And I did…but there was no connection. Back to Marco. Sweet wonderful boy and I knew he was our new kitty. He is a silver tabby with lovely markings, and the friend who came with me said he looked like an impressionist painting. Thinking of artist’s names, Calder seemed to fit, and that was it.
I brought him home, introduced him to Paul, and got Calder settled in a small room. They had told me to keep him in a small space to acclimate and slowly introduce him to the whole house. And, that he’d let us know when he wanted to do that. Well, it didn’t take long!! After a couple of exploratory trips out, he told us loud and clear that it was time. That evening, he snuggled up to us on the sofa and slept with us that night.
Calder was an incredible gift to Paul, who quickly became his best buddy, snuggling up to him in his chair, in bed…wherever Paul was, there was Calder. Paul’s health continued to deteriorate, and he died in November, 2018. Calder actually went into mourning for a year… Cats mourn too. Calder has been the best companion to me in my own mourning process…staying close, snuggling in next to me, day and night. I am so grateful for him.
Calder is a character…people friendly, quite talented at tossing and catching catnip mice, insists on a (very) early breakfast, and his favorite plaything is paper. He is quite dapper and enjoys sporting a bow tie or hat now and then…and is also one of the sounded sleepers I’ve ever met. I love this boy and am so grateful to him and to SF ACC for bringing us together.
Thank you for all the good work SF ACC does, and for all the love stories it creates.”
Sweet Pickles has some exciting news to share: she’s a big sister! Pickles loves her new baby; she runs to check on him when he makes any little peep. The family says that she has brought so much love and light to them. Congratulations Pickles! And thank you to her awesome adoptive family welcoming her into their family. (A big thank you to Boise Bully Breed Rescue for helping Pickles find her family by taking her into your adoption network.)
Handsome bun boy Hop is living life to the fullest: “He has been exploring and trying to befriend our cat. Hop has also gone to the beach, (we kept him away from dogs and watched him carefully, also he was on a full body leash, not just neck leash). He is doing super well and has been trying different kinds of greens, his favorite so far are parsley and he loves sweet potatoes, but we don’t give him much sweet potato because it isn’t that nutritious.”
Welcome home Dante! This gray cutie has found a furrever home with comfy laps and paper bags to explore!
Chrissy has ears for days and a forever home! She’s a foster win and has an adorable new name, Bertie (and check out that precious cable knit sweater). Congratulations!
Sweet pup Tenaya (was Pineapple) found her forever home! She’s one of our virtual adoptions and is now feeling cozy and loved in her new home. Tenaya has even found a new favorite place to lie surrounded by soft greenery in her new yard!
“My husband and I adopted Miller from the ACC in November of 2016. He was 7 months old. He’s quite dog-like for a cat and is king of the household. He brings us so much joy and even has his own Facebook Page, Miller the kitty! He’s so affectionate and fun and is king of the household.”
Jack and Beatrice are off to their new home together. Yay!
Arya and Cloud are a purrfect pair in their furrever home together.
Yay for Shaka, another virtual adoption!
Mia (was Holly) pupdate! She was adopted from us in December 2019 as a 4-month-old pup. She’s as cute as ever and loving life.
So this adoption happened through Muttville, after ACC grad GRACIE got the best social media selfie introduction with new mom, Leeann. This Irish wolfhound with a puppy-like personality is ready to be queen of the backyard and conqueror of all 38-inch-high counter tops. Congrats to her new family!
Cardi Brie
“It’s been almost 5 years now that we’ve had our darling Lilliputian (formerly Clementine). Lilli continues to bring us joy, she’s been an extra blessing while being at home during this pandemic. Thank you, ACC, you all are the best.”
POKEY’s JOURNEY…SFACC Animal Care Attendant, Kathryn Jones drove one of our dogs, Pokey, out to a Boise Bully Breed hand-off. (The Idaho rescue org has been a great partner in adopting out ACC dogs and picking them up at halfway points like Reno.) “Pokey held it down with us at SFACC since before the SIP and he did great on his trip today! He couldn’t quite figure out what the deal with snow was, but he’ll get there. Boise just texted me to let me know he’s settled in for the night, officially as an Idaho spud.” It didn’t take too long before Pokey was adopted by a wonderful family. He’s now known as Biggie and his mom Stephanie reports, “Yep, he is with us for life. He seems to be happy at our house. The cats are warming up, he’s great with our daughter, always wants to play, rarely barks… everything is great. His farts are straight from he** but we can manage. Thank you so much for helping us get Biggie into our family.”
It’s a cliché because it’s true: it takes a village. Big(gie) thank yous to Kathryn with SFACC for coordinating the intake and driving Pokey; BBBR Transport Coordinator Elizabeth for organizing Pokey’s transport; BBBR trainer Lou for facilitating the kitty intro; and BBBR Foster/Adopter Coordinator Ashley for facilitating the adoption.
Shakespeare adopted!
Beautiful Marnie has found her forever home. Congratulations!
“This is Louis, formerly known as Rigatoni, from a pasta themed litter in December of 2018/January 2019. Louis is the biggest goofball. Loves his fellow dog friends and humans! We love him dearly. Thank you SFACC!”
“We’ve had Delilah for over two weeks now and we all love her. We wanted to let know all know she is doing fabulous. She is such a smart, and sassy kitty who knows her name and comes when you call her. She has a wonderful, curious, and loving personality and do you know she is already litter box trained. She spends time with everyone in the house including Tippy. Just yesterday, we were playing with a dancing ribbon and I had the wand, Delilah had the bottom of the ribbon and Tippy had the middle. It was so cute to see them playing together. She eats like a champ and I can tell she is growing every day. She loves to play with all of her toys and we find them all over the house. Every night she goes from room to room until she decides who she’s sleeping with.
Another great puppy adoption! Milo (was Specs) is so happy with his new family. He has a personal set of stairs to reach his new bed that he shares with his parents. He also perfectly sits on command. Congratulations!
ACC alum Opal (was Tippy) didn’t get the memo that toilet paper hoarding is so last month. Opal spends her days at the Clement Nursery in SF (the owner adopted her).
Happy adoption news! Kona’s (formerly Tucker) family is over the moon with their new fur baby. Kona had his first bath over the weekend and did really well. What a good boy!
Foster Win: Playful Lady has a permanent home with her foster family!
Louisa‘s adopter sent an update: “She’s slowly coming out of her shell and getting comfortable in the apartment. She tends to hide under the bed during the day, but she can sometimes be coaxed out with treats. At night she’s super playful (and loud!). We’re working on getting her sleep patterns more aligned with ours with regular feedings, evening playtime, and good old-fashioned earplugs! She gets more outgoing every day, and I’m sure she’ll be running the place in no time. I’m so happy to have her!”
A wonderful group adoption: All three of our pigeons, Marzipan, Fondant and Sabah, have found a home together, where they’ll be living with another bird, Sophie, who survived being shot with a BB. “Sophie and Sabah have become great friends! Sabah chases Marzi and Fondant off if they’re bothering Sophie. We found out that Sabah is actually 11 years old. Her band says she was born in 2009! The birds are lovely additions to our family, thank you so much! “
A purrfect Happy Tails update! Autumn and Harvest (previously known as Princess & Rusty) were adopted on 9/28/19 and are doing great: “we’re all glad to be together during the Shelter in Place!”
“Juneau, formerly known as Marsha Mellow, is doing great! She’s been learning a lot from her new big sister Juliet and there is a hilarious big sister/little sister vibe between them. She has taken well to crate training and is learning some sign language commands for sit and good girl. Follow their adventures on Instagram @juneau_and_juliet”
Sweet Gwendolyn was adopted by a lovely family with an adorable little girl ready to shower her with love and affection!
“I adopted Pablo and Smokey almost five years ago from ACC at Pet Food Express. They were a bonded pair of kitten brothers and they have been glued to each other ever since. They love to play, cuddle, and sleep together. My favorite is when they jump on the toaster together to warm their butts each morning after the toast is made. I’m a dog walking volunteer at ACC but that doesn’t mean I’m not in love with the best cats in the world!”
Cutie pie Ewok was adopted a year ago next month! He’s enjoying spending quality time with his family and copying one of his all-time favorite basket players, Steph Curry, with his raw hide. His adopter says “Thank you all for everything! Ewok been the best addition to our family.”
Triple update: “Florence (left) was adopted from ACC in August 2018. She had been abandoned in Stern Grove. She is a big girl! Rizzo (middle) and Sandy (right) were bonded and adopted together from ACC about 6 weeks later when they were 4 and 5 months old. Rizzo was a runt but she has gotten perfectly chubby and is super-fast when doing zoomies around the cage. They are the one consistent part of life in SIP. They still squeal like clockwork for their veggies (no alarm clock needed) and they are enjoying more treats now that mom is around during the day.”
Handsome hunk Dermot has found his forever home!
Guinea pig cutie Guinness went home with his new family today! This is the first pet for new brother Nikko, but mom Annia has had guinea pigs all her life.
Kingsley Albus, formally known as Prince Harry, came into a household already full of fur children and a human one too. We have all been waiting excitedly to meet him: two moms, one small child, one cat, two dogs and 65, 7th grade students (who helped to name him)! At first meet, he was curious about the puppy, who wanted to give licks, and the old lady dog, who didn’t care at all. Then came time to meet Dean, an older guy who was rather grumpy at first. The first night was rough, similar to bringing a new child home from the hospital! We thought he needed space, so we gave him his own room. But he decided that wasn’t going to work, and opened the door himself. In fact, he managed to get out of a bedroom, the bathroom and the bedroom again. Kingsley was not to be contained. So one of the two moms decided to sleep with him on the couch that night, while the other mom and fur children slept in the bedroom, and the human child slept in her own. Most of the night he cried, bounded about, and explored, often jumping up to see the human and get cuddles. …The next day, he had fully moved in but was still feeling a bit shy. He spent some time under the couch, but eventually came out and explored more. On Sunday, he didn’t go under the couch at all and was ready to nap in sight and share his treats with his new kitty brother!
Sweet senior Aria has been adopted!
Sammy was one of our first virtual adoptions!
“My partner and I adopted Goose (formerly Stormy) and Tilda (formerly Josephine) 9 months ago on 7/22/19. Goose and Tilda are so affectionate and adorable and love each other very much. They have been a wonderful addition to our family and we feel very lucky to have found them. Thanks so much ACC!!”
“Here is Mimi – I got her from ACC @ Pet Food Express in March 2017 at 1yr 8mo. of age. Here is her first pic at home: First night she investigated the whole apartment…. ran up and down the hallway and the look on her face was like “This is all mine?!?!” (mind you I only have a one bedroom and her history was not known or disclosed) She was super stoked! She is goofy, sweet and super playful. Is extremely good at playing catch (and brings it back!) she takes the “sport'” very seriously and we can play for like a solid 30 min at a time! She’s a lady who knows what she wants and is very vocal about it. And when it gets dark out she is the first to snuggle right beside me or cuddle under the covers. Adopting her was one of the best things I could ever do! She’s a joy!”
Nietzsche the MotoCat is a world traveling adventure cat and SFACC alum who now lives in Spain! Always dressed for a formal occasion, Nietzsche loves to explore and cuddle. You can follow Nietzsche on Instagram: @nietzsche_motocat
Heijro has been adopted! His new name is Bruno and he looks super comfy cozy with his new sister!
Gorgeous Sky has found her forever home, where she’s looking quite comfy and happy!