August 2022

In August, SFACC had 143 adoptions (98 cats, 20 dogs, 25 other species). In addition, the shelter transferred 317 animals to adoption partners (98 cats, 20 dogs, 25 other species). Thank you to everyone involved in giving these animals a second chance!

After waiting patiently at the shelter for 8 months, Legend’s person found him and he’s now in his forever home. Thank you to all volunteers and staff who helped this boy stay engaged!

Goofy Lab in a fluffy husky body Ohlone went home.

Walter has sauntered out of the building, but not before striking a pose or two with his new mom, one of our transport volunteers.

Beautiful mama Joy went home and we already have an update! Joy is now named Cheri Joy and is so loved!

Adoption update! Diva was adopted last month and is loving her forever home: “She loves taking naps and lying on her pink blanket.

Pretty girl Bernie was adopted in February. “She’s doing great and I love her. Thank you for everything!” Thank you for giving her such a loving home!

Adoption update! Scrumptious pup Mr. Baby Boy was adopted last month and we have an update: “Mr Baby Boy now goes by Tugboat aka Tuggie. He is loving life with his big brother Louie.”

Can you guess the breed? Pascal (fka Chunk) was adopted from us last month and his adopters already did a DNA test. We were right in our main breed guess, but there are some surprises in the mix!

Yesterday a family adopted 3 rabbits: Bonded pair Snowdrop and Pepper and longtime shelter resident Ophelia! They have a big new house and yard with plenty of room for new rabbit friends.

Miss Gigi has been adopted.

Adoption update! Last week puppy boy Odin wowed us with his bow tie wearing skills, and this week he’s in his forever home! “Odin is doing great! He already sits on command and he loves the backyard…the cats are already sleeping on the bed with him …thanks so much for all you do!” Thank you for adopting!

Hooray! It’s our first ever kitten & pigeon adoption! When the adopter decided to come adopt a kitten, they saw we had a singleton pigeon available and decided to add the bird to their aviary!

Bonded pair Silver & Onyx went home together!

Nana Bo Bana (now Hana) is doing fabulously with her two kitten sisters and getting an unlimited supply of tummy rubs and love.

Senior sweetie Spike has gone home! He was adopted last month but came back when it became clear he wanted to be a solo cat.

“Last month was the 2-year anniversary of Cookie joining my life and I wanted to say thank you again for making this possible. She is such a joy to be around, she really blossomed into an adorable, confident and very affectionate little girl, such a difference from the first day when she was so underweight and scared.

Thank you for everything that you do every day for the animals that go through the shelter, and for allowing happy stories like ours to happen.”

Sweet smiley Isabella has been adopted!

Skippy the husky pup was adopted and has a big sis.

Boba has gone home to an adopter with lots of pugs-perience.

Little Cashew (L) has been adopted and has a sibling.

Sweet Doechii (R) has gone home with a new sibling too!

Pixel adopted!

July 2022

In July, SFACC had 159 adoptions (22 dogs, 114 cats, and 23 other species). In addition, the shelter transferred 307 animals to adoption partners (95 dogs, 125 cats, and 87 other species). Thank you to everyone involved in helping save these animals!

Yay! Sweet little Yuji has gone from injured shelter dog to happy, healthy, and adopted! His new name is Binky.

When adorable tripod Reba came to SFACC, she was bit shy. But with some TLC, she started showing off her silliness in no time and was adopted quickly.

Update: Tigar the kitten was adopted and is already cuddling up with her new big brother.

Guinea pig mama Apple has been adopted; she went home to a piggie sibling!

What a great couple of guinea pig adoption days: Apple’s daughters Raspberry and Strawberry were adopted together yesterday!

Chunk has left the building! He’s headed home with his new family, including a new canine big sister.

“His name is Mint. My boyfriend and I adopted him at 11 weeks old, on Father’s Day in June 2021. I was initially apprehensive about adopting another cat, but when I saw him on the Animal Care & Control Facebook page, I instantly fell in love. We decided to keep the name given to him, because it’s perfect. We were told that he was found at a bus stop, which tugged at our heartstrings even more. Naturally, he was shy and nervous when we took him home, but he quickly warmed up to us–especially our cat Luna. He spends his day cuddling up with her, grooming her, and playing with her. He also loves to sit with his papa and suckle on his fuzzy blankie. He has gotten super big, but I don’t think he realizes it because he still likes to squeeze himself wherever Luna is. He is so sweet and so friendly (especially at the vet), we feel lucky to have him in our little family and thankful for whoever saved him that one fateful day at the bus stop.”

Scrumptious puppy Snugz has gone home. We can’t wait to hear updates!

Sweet little guinea pig guy Tuffy has a new home.

Double adoption update: Chuy (on the right, formerly Malcolm, adopted 2019) and Rey (formerly Tina Turner, adopted 2022) came by for a visit. What a happy family!

Fluffy senior sweetie Spike has gone home and he’s going to have a feline brother!

Husky beauty Natalie went home. Yay!

Woohoo! Sweet mama Joy has gone home! She raised the dumpling pups and is now going to soak up all the love from her new family.

Dumpling pup Samosa was adopted by an SFACC volunteer. Hooray!

Another dumpling pup adopted: Empanada.

Dumpling pup Ravioli’s new name is Moose!

Gnocchi has a new family!

Dumpling pup Bao with new dad!

Little dumpling pup Momo has a new family and a BIG sis!

Another dumpling pup adopted: Gyoza!

Orange tabby sweetie Milo was adopted and immediately charmed his adopters with his lovely personality. Happy tails!

Wiggling Tails and ACC Alum, Tesla came by to drop off 16 jars of Peanut Butter–thank you so much!! Tesla was adopted from us in 2013.

Two of our Caturday adoptions: kitten Trevor is going home to join a kitten girl recently adopted from us, and black kitty Pug is also heading home, after posing under the watchful eye of Favianna Rodriguez’s cat sculpture.

Pretty parakeet Prince has flown the coop to a new home!

Piggy cuties Rocco and Celebrity have been adopted together–yay! Their adopters are students at UC Davis. Happy tails!

Gimme pigs! Yesterday four guinea pigs found their forever homes, including Godzilla and Indie who went home together.

Adorable Durian.

June 2022

Cantaloupe adoption photo and updates…“We wanted to thank you all so much for everything and wanted you to know that Cantaloupe has settled in at home really nicely! She was a little anxious the first few days but has since gotten into a good routine with us and already had her first training today where she did super well! She’s such a sweet gal and we love her so much!”

Two kitten pairs went home the same day! We love it when kittens are adopted together; they can play, snuggle and grow up together the rest of their lives. Thank you adopters!

More great adoption news: adult cats Cairo and Gemma were both adopted!

Scruffimuffin Ready was truly ready to go home and off he went!

Bunny update! Suki (formerly known as Einstein) was adopted a few weeks ago. “He bonded within a few days with his bun sister Kuromi and he has warmed up to us so much!! He loves carrying his toys around in his mouth and stealing his sister’s left over treats”

Yay for sweet Sugar Cube! She’s off to live with her new forever fam which includes a sister named Harley! Congrats!




Titus is going home! Could he possibly look more proud?

May 2022

In May, SFACC had 99 adoptions (74 cats, 9 dogs, and 16 small animals/other species). SFACC also transferred 252 animals to partner organizations (107 cats, 57 dogs, and 88 small animals/other species). Thank you to everyone involved in helping to save these animals!

Polly Pocket (right) has gone home with a sister of her very own! Happy tails! We can’t wait to hear updates!

Adoption update for one of our teeniest alumni (who was the recipient of an amazing cake)! “We adopted Hawk (formerly Sanchez) from SFACC in 2018. He lived 3 years and was a wonderful mouse. Here he is with his 2 year adoption anniversary cake and other pictures we have of him.”

A happy Mother’s Day adoption: lovely Linda has gone home!

“I adopted Victor a few weeks ago and wanted to give an update! I’ve had three cats throughout my life and Victor is hands down the best I’ve ever had the pleasure to be friends with. He cuddles all day with me, demands to be held or sit on my shoulders while I watch tv and play games. He’s friendly to everyone. Definitely a little menace at 3am but he is the best. I couldn’t be happier than I am now. Really glad I walked into the wrong [shelter] and met him. Thank you so much!”

Happy one-year adoptaversary to Eleven and April (fka Bahama and Bobbette). “They are well and turned giant. We are the luckiest to have them and I just want to thank you for everything!” We love the now and then photos!

Arnold was adopted in April and is doing great in his forever home: “Arnie is bestest boy! He works hard sunning himself on the deck and gives super big kisses to his little older brothers. He is best friends with everyone at the dog park and loves playing tug with his cousin. Arns also likes to store things in his lips like a giant chipmunk.”

SFACC alum Ziggy is getting all the love and cuddles a growing pup needs with her forever family!

A happy adoption update… “Seven months ago, my partner Alan and I adopted this adorable kitty, whose shelter name was Netflix. We renamed him Finnegan, and we wanted to write to you today, on Finnegan’s special day: his 1-year birthday!

Thank you for introducing us to this soft, sweet cat who is so full of personality. Finny is a love-love who fetches and returns crinkle balls, plays animatedly with cat dancer, plays “soccer” with Alan under the bathroom door, snuggles with us all night, and keeps us company when we work from home. I’m sure everyone says this about their cats, but Finn-Finn truly has the cutest mannerisms and poses. He also never quite developed a meow, just a little talkative squeak and all kinds of stretching and yawning noises.

The attached “family photo” was taken this morning and shows Finn’s personality–he’s a morning person who has no time to sit still and take a photo. If anyone who reads this happens to remember “Netflix” from seven months ago (We gathered he had a bit of a reputation for his spirited personality), you’ll probably recognize him in this action shot. : )

…From a very happy cat mom and cat dad”

Adoption update! Sweet young bun Lavern was adopted and went home with her new brother Snow! Her new name is Mia and her adopters report she’s living her best life. She and Snow have even started grooming each other.

A great adoption day! Petite pittie Tina Turner went home with her new family including SFACC grad Chuy (fka Malcolm). Her new name is Rey. And we already have an update that they’re getting along great!

Wee fluffy buns Empanada and Tostada have gone home!



Mia Hamm

Sol & Luna

Sweet Whitney

April 2022

In April, SFACC had 61 adoptions: 15 dogs, 41 cats, 5 other species. In addition, there were 207 partner transfers: 61 dogs, 54 cats, and 92 other species.
Congratulations to all the adopters and thank you for adopting from your municipal shelter!

Sweet girl Heidi (now Emmy) has been adopted by a longtime adoption assistant volunteer. She’s helped with countless adoptions and finally met her own forever pup. Congrats to both!

Adoption update! Bonded pair Vito and Ducky were adopted in February and we already have an update about how they’re doing in their new home at Oak Barrel Winecraft.  “Thought you’d like to see how well Vito and Bucky are doing. They are now known as Birdie (stripey kitty) and Carl (house panther). They have completely won over every customer with their adorable personalities. They settled in very quickly and seem very happy! Thank you all for all that you do for all the critters!”

Update: “I adopted Nala in late January, 2022, becoming her third and forever home in Marin County. She initially had some abandonment anxiety and didn’t bark at all. After she got used to her new surroundings and realized this was her forever home she started to bark (when appropriate). She loves to run on local trails and cuddle on the couch.
Her favorite recreation spot is the local dog park, where she loves to tussle with other dogs her own age. She is enrolled in obedience class, where she has proven to be a quick study. Nala is a loving and loyal companion – a real sweetie.”

Tortie beauty Miranda packed up her amazing ear floofs and left with her new mom! Congratulations!

Sweet little Budgie has flown the coop! Happy tails cutie and send us updates!

Charming Bobby has gone home to live with a dog sibling! Happy tails sweetie!

Adoption update! Mikey was adopted in 2012 “and is doing well.” He has several cat siblings, including one who always sleeps with him.

Gavin Rossdale


Ember has been adopted by one of our adoption-assistant volunteers. Congrats!


Sweet Sabina has been adopted. Here she is (R) with her playgroup buddy Olive (still available!).

